Tuesday, May 25, 2010


oke ini postingan cepet. karena tiba2 kepikiran hal ini, namun gue HARUS belajar matematika.


i miss going to bta.
i miss going to pp after that.
i miss makan kiyadong bareng2 there.
i miss monogram and their cards.
i miss going to kemchiks just to buy a pack of yupi.
i miss bejat-bejatan kabur pas mau term test.
i miss belajar di kelas sambil ngeliatin homoan anak-anak.
i miss crying at class for stupid reasons.
i miss sneaking out of ssc class.
i miss photo-booth-ing.
i miss berebutan crispy di kantin.
i miss asking emil to buy me drinks and foods.
i miss hugging people randomly.
i miss punching and nyubit2 the boys.
i miss screaming out loud for school projects.
i miss planning surprise cakes for best mates.
i miss doing cabucabucacaca and konsentrasi at PE lessons.
i miss doing yearbook photoshoots and going crazy about what to wear.
i miss karaoke-ing and going wild with the girls.
i am going to miss this high school life so badly.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

you just make me proud.

yaampun guys, lo gatau seberapa bangganya gue dan anak2 sama lo2 pada.

menang bikin bangga, memang. but winning isnt everything. jauuuuuuuuuuuuh lebih bangga kalo kaya gini. you guys are justttttt amazing.

this is the part when i'm feeling like hugging you all. seriously.

im so happy i have friends like you ;)

im sooooooooooooooooooo veeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrry proud of you!!!


cheer up guys, love you :***************