Saturday, June 19, 2010


heya, resmi sudah gue menjadi bukan anak sma. oke, bad grammar. resmi sudah gue lulus sma.

resmi sudah gue ga make baju putih, dasi dan rok/celana warna abu-abu-coklat-ga-jelas yang exclusively designed for Binus School. resmi sudah gue ga wajib nge-tap id card tiap dateng tiap pulang (gonna miss that badly). resmi sudah gue lulus dari sekolah prosedural-yet-fun itu. resmi sudah gue............ anak-bukan-sma-tapi-belom-mahasiswa.

it ended this monday, the prom.

our prom was held at Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, and it was....... um...... ya not bad. hahah. tapi tapi tapi ga sesuai rencana sih :( well ttp aja gue puas kok :)

the disco time was crazy! love ya guys!

*lagi malas nulis..... tp pengen........ jadinya gini -_-*

well but the ending of the prom - my prom - was simply stunning simply amazing and truly memorable. i just love you. i still do :) -> i dont know whether i should put a :) or :S or :(, but i like :) the most, so i put it there.


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