Wednesday, June 25, 2008

i have to admit that i love my school. haha

hmm, anak-anak biasanya bilang "i hate school". yea, i was too. hate the tasks but love the kids. But now, i have to admit that i do LOVE my school. sekalian untuk ajang promosi, namanya Bina Nusantara School Serpong. sebagai wakil ketua osis yang baik, gw harus promosi dong ahahaha. Okay, I'll start with a short biography.
Bina Nusantara School Serpong disingkat jadi Binus Serpong. Binus Serpong ini adalah sekolah ke-2 (as far as i know) dari Bina Nusantara, karena yang lainnya adalah Business School dan Universities. Yang pertama itu Binus Simprug. Binus Serpong baru lahir pada tahun 2007. gw inget, hari pertama gw masuk adalah 19 juli 2007. haha.

So, why do i love this school that much?
1. the facilities. the facilities is sooooo much different with schools i ever attended before. well the most lovvest building is the LIBRARY! hahaha. wi-fi around here, 2 stories library, have the cafe, veeryyy nice book collections, fast computers, fast internets, air-con. haha. the missed facilities are well the sports are not much enough, but yaa ok lah. 1 futsal field, 1 soccer field, running track, 2 basketball courts, and this year indoor thingy will be built also. Well if you wanna know more about the facilities, just click here
2. the atmosphere. the atmosphere here is sorta different with my previous school, i don't know what and why. I sometimes feel like not in Jakarta (well I am, since it's on Serpong, -_-) because well the buildings are not like schools in general. Well, at least that's what i feel. by having a different building, i think the atmosphere will be different also.
3. what I love the most, THE KIDS! for the boys, i should say most of them are gentle, ahahha. i don't have a must to tell you that, so I won't haha. for the girls, yaa general lah, but still nice. but both binusian and my previous school's are all nice :D well in binus that is like new for me is having this friend who always speaks english all the time, haha.
4. the maintenance. mungkin gw agak2 nora (atau nora banget) tapi gw kadang-kadang takjub sama keseriusan kepsek gw utk ngurusin sekolah. ini kadang2 bagus, tapi kadang2 malesin juga (liat keterangan di alasan hates nomor 1). Binus tiap minggunya diadain penyemprotan (nyamuk kayanya), terus tiap bulannya atau tiap term (saya lupa), dicat ulang. buat gw itu kerajinan. ahahah. gatau juga sih ;p

but i sometimes hates the school, becauseeee:
1. the super ultra complex system. gilee bayangin aja, cuma buat NEMPEL POSTER doang, gw dan ketua osis harus ijin ke admission building, terus ke sekretaris kepsek, ke kepsek, terus baru ngmgin dengan segala halnya. apa untungnya buat binus, apa ruginya, dan sebagainya. sumpah jujur gw capek. buat ngajuin acara osis, gw harus bikin proposal yang mendetail. karena nanti proposal itu awalnya dikasih ke guru pembimbing, diedit lagi, kasih ke HighSchool (HS) coordinator, diedit lagi, ke sekretaris kepsek buat bikin janji temu ama kepsek, ke kepsek, diedit dan dibicarakan lagi, diterusin ke yayasan. Ha-ha-ha. gw capppeeekkk. waktu yg dibutuhkan adalah sekitar 2 minggu sampai 2 bulan setelah proposal dibuat. ha-ha-ha. tapi ya ada bagusnya juga sih. mungkin masih quality control (yang sering disebut2) soalnya sekolahnya masih 1tahun.
2. the super ultra crazy tasks. gila dah kalo yang ini. gw ga usah nulis lagi. hahah. tidak bisa dilukiskan kata-kata. mendingan lo liat aja posts2 gw yang sebelumnya, yang menceritakan kesengsaraan, kecapekan, kefrustasian gw ngerjain hal itu. ada positifnya juga, tapi i have to admit it, as a student, MAN IT'S TOO MUCH! hahaha. tapi sejujurnya, gw sedikit kangen ngerjain tugas binus ;p gw (KADANG-KADANG) suka ngerjain tugas binus

well i have no other idea what to write, soooo, i think that's all. haha.

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