looked like i am going to miss the riots in my previous class, 10e! :(
Kelas gw emang buat gw berisik, banget, tapi i like it the way it is. Daripada diem diem mendingan riot sekalian dong haha. Gw bakal kangen sama mereka mereka semua, gosip gosip yang kita bicarakan, jokes that we made and laugh, aib aib dari masing masing orang -__-, dan banyak hal lain. that's why I dedicate this blog to you guys :D
Soooo, now I wanna talk about my class, only my class. First of all, may I write the short biography of my class? like, sure I can, since I own this blog -____-
Name : 10-E
nama gaul -__- : Einsteiners, Einsteinerds
Isi : 27 ppl (+1, moved out)
Class Adv. : Mr.A (moved out), Mr.PJ
location : lantai dua paling ujung kiri
hobi : (sempet) main O2Jam, bikin film, make jokes, gosip, bikin guru stres
tanggal lahir : 19 Juli 2007
tanggal wafat : 12 Juni 2008
movie produced : Sufairman, "1/6", respect class care movie
that's the first parrtttt. Haha. It is stupid. Tambahan detail, itu maksudnya isi, sebenernya cuma ada 26 orang, if im not mistaken, tapi 1 pindah, jadi cuma 25. Lalu, datang si anak autis jadi ada 26. terus si anak bigbang dateng, jadi ada 27 deh. jadi kalo yang pindah diitung, jadi 27+1= 28. -___-"
Part II
Okeee sekarang gw mau ngebahas Why do I love this class.
1. total Riot. tapi tanpa this stupid riot, I cannot stand living in this class for nearly a year! :D
2. total FUN! mereka smua fun on their own ways. Ada yang emang fun, ada yang nerd tapi jadi fun, ada yang freak dan karena itulah dia jadi fun (ya anda tau maksud saya hha)
3. total vary. sumpah, anak-anak disini tuh kaya gado-gado, pecel, rujak, apapunlah. bener-bener macem macem anaknya. ada yang cantik ada yang ngeband ada yang ketua osis ada yang ribut ada yang suka ngegosip (gw rasa semua anak suka ngegosip di kelas ini) ada yang maniak nazi ada yang nerd ada yang jenius ada yang main bola ada yang main basket ada yang maniak komputer ada yang wuihh banyak deh. perbedaan itulah yang jadiin kita satu
4. total stupid! mereka (kita sih sebenernya) jarang mikir tentang konsekuensi yang bakal didapet. well at least that is in my glasses. dan spontanitas ini kadang nyenengin tapi kadang nyebelin haha
5. total united. buat gw, kelas ini cukup kompak. hahaha soalnya dulu kayanya kelas kelas gw yg sebelumnya ga terlalu kompak, and I've me my spot here. :]
6. total the-way-it-is. kelas gw begini adanya dan mereka (hampir semua kecuali seorang) ga nutupin kekurangannya atau kelebihannya atau sebagainya. yang seneng2 pas main Wii atau apapunlah ya seneng, ga jaim dan ga malumalu. yang gasuka ya gasuka, ga ditutup tutupin.
7. total creative. buat gw kelas ini kreatif banget. kreatif dalam memberi nama gebetan, kreatif dalam membuat film (promosi), kreatif dalam membuat foto foto bodoh, kreatif dalam mencontek (ups), dan banyak lagi. gw mendapatkan banyak pelajaran seni yang baru, terutama dalam hal film.
8. total craaazzy. kelas gw terobsesi (sebenernya ga sih, hiperbol) sama kucing. satu anak dibikinin satu nama latin, dibuat oleh teman saya yang terlalu kreatif. haha. pokonya kelas ini gilanya terlalu, bukan gila yang gimana, tapi gila. titik. haha. gw inget banget pas salah satu temen gw dengan berbaju gembel bolong2 (buat shooting film kelas) masuk ke dalem mal Lippo, meminta duit di tengah jalan layaknya pengemis. Huahuahuahua. love it
9. total adventurous. nasihat demi nasihat, pidato demi pidato, disampaikan oleh guru-guru ke kami, bilangnya sih nilai rata-rata kelas gw rendahlah, berisiklah, tapi ya inilah kami. Buat gw, ngeliat hal ini adalah suatu quest yang pengen gw lewati dan buktiin ke guru-guru kalo kita bisa. dan through my glasses, kelas gw sih juga udah struggle hardlah, namanya juga orang, pasti pernah ups and downs lah. dan gw rasa (dan buat gw) kelas gw telah nyelesein quest itu, karena berhasil atau ga usaha gw, inilah gw. inilah kami.
10. total US! we are what we are. masih banyak alesan kenapa gw suka kelas gw, tapi ga akan gw jelasin sampe penuh lah yaaa. yang jelas, dari 9 alesan diatas, itulah kita, entah kekurangan dan kelebihan kita, itulah yang mendekor kita, dan itulah yang saya suka, itulah kami.
now i'm gonna tell you all about my mates. not with names, but menurut absen. its private and confidential for me to tell my mates' names. so lets begin
1. this guy is a total serious man. he played the main role in our class' third movie.
2. total TALL. haha. a good basketballer.
3. this guy is a serious master of art. haha. a good basketballer and a nice cameraman. a niceee person
4. this girl is a wow at soccer. haha. she's nice too
5. my bestfriend. haha. this girl is a good bassist
6. it's me so i guess i dont have to explain. well I'm a vice president of the student council haha. oh and this girl is the girlfriend of Alex Turner (mimpi yang ngga kesampean) -__-
7. this girl is another matter of a mistress of art. she is veeeeery talkative, veeeery funny, and sometimes get too funny to become very autism. Hahhahaa. she's smart and nice
8. this boy likes to sleep, a LOT. haha. he is a good basketballer.
9. this girl love gossips (as I do haha). she's nice also, a good make up artist
10. this girl is veeeery nice and also a victim of number 7's autism. haha. they are best fwens.
11. this guy love to eats. hahaha. neeh just kidding. this guy is a great guitarist.
12. this girl is veeery innocent. but she is later contaminated by the rest of the class. haha. pretty girl :D
13. this girl loves MUSE so bad. haha. she can play guitar and drum. a good make up artist and costume guy too.
14. this guy is smart, calm, and untalkative. but he is fun! haha he's very nice. a good basketballer
15. this girl is in love with punk rock. haha. she loves avril lavigne.
16. this guy is a total sick. haha. he is a great guitarist, a president of the student council, the most idiotic and autism boy in the class. Hahah. but he's nice
17. this boy? 1 word to explain. Nazi-holic. haha.
18. this girl is a total pretty. a close friend of mine. haha. she is smart to imitate animals, though. haha, a niiiiceee girl
19. this boy is a total sick at the matter of ashaming himself. Haha. he's funny and nice. and a sick soccerer, a veeery nice player, I could say. Haha he loves Kaka
20. this boy is soooo tall and skinny, just like an electricity pole. hhaha. he cannot live without chess. hahaha. my previous seatmate
21. this girl is sick at school tasks, she is so smart and dilligent! haha. she is a great treasury (as in the movies and the student council) and a secretary.
22. this boy is veeeerrryyyyy good at computer and other technological things. haha. he's also smart, especially in physics. he's nice
23. this boy is loving chess. hha. he is a very logical-thinker. very smart. and nice. haha
24. this girl loves My Chemical Romance so bad. especially Mikey Way. haha. a beautiful girl.
25. this girl loves BigBang so bad. haha. she is often called as lightning due to her position at the movie as a lightning crew
26. this girl loves gossips (as I do) and loves good charlotte. haha. a good drummer
27. this girl is very quiet and untalkative. haha.
i finished it all. im sooo capek. hahaha. mengisi waktu luang liburan. saya bosan dirumah. tolong sayaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Friday, June 20, 2008
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komen apa ya? deng deng deng, g ad ide. oh iya, gue yang malah promosi, gue juga ad blog di multply lo! sotoyhusain.blogspot.com, hehehehe. blog lu keren juga.
huaha thanks kky --" tapi gw ga serajin lu yang hampir setiap saat ngeblog. haha. gw cuma pas bosen doang -_______-
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